Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Talkin' Texan, a lot.

They ganged up on me! Rick thought he'd be tricky and make me have multiple phrases ready for this week... without telling me about it! Listen and see how it goes...

Talkin' Texan: July 20

...and that wasn't all! They pulled it on me again later in the show. Guess I'm going to have to be even more prepared for next week! It's on, Mr. Fairless.

Visit http://www.live1053.com/ to listen to the full show on podcast. It's a good one.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Google It Mo-Fo

Did you know you can google from your cell phone?
Oh yes, you can.

If you're looking for information on a business, just create a new message with the info you seek, including business name, city and state.
example: Pizza Hut, Bedford, TX

Or, if you're looking for the price of a certain item (to reduce impulse shopping and ensure you're getting the best deal), create a message with "price" and the item you want to know about:
example: price, Nintendo Wii

Then text it to 466453 (GOOGLE)

You will IMMEDIATELY receive a text with the info you seek. Either all business locations surrounding your requested location (with address and phone number information), or a list of products and their prices available online. (Just be specific or you might receive a long list that consumes the content of several incoming messages!)

Best of all: ALL OF THIS IS FREE! (as long as you already have a texting plan)
Believe me, I used this service all weekend and I love it. It's well worth your time!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Talkin Texan: Double Feature

Lee was gone last week, so I never got my "Talkin Texan" clip from him.

So lucky you, here are the clips from the last two weeks:

Talkin' Texan with Meghan: July 6th

Talkin' Texan with Meghan: July 13th

Yee haw y'all!

Get them while they're hot! (or not)

We just got the new posters in for our radio show:
The Texas Hardtails Scooter Show with Rick Fairless.

Call in to the studio during our show (Sundays 5:00pm-7:00pm CST) and tell them you want one! We'll send it to ya for free!

(I wouldn't make you pay for a picture of these 2 dumbasses!)

I'm surrounded!

...By playboy models!!

We have so many playboy models here at Strokers, it's kinda ridiculous!
Google them and you'll see (seriously, you'll see EVERYTHING):

Sheena Lee (beer tub girl, Tues/Thurs bikini/lingerie model)
Debbi Davids (Miss Sturgis, celebrity beer tub girl, Rick Fairless fan)
Corrie Loftin (Miss Strokers Dallas, bikini contest regular)
and soon to be:
Debbie Beal! Congrats to her! (Texas Hardtails cast member, longtime Strokers employee, beer tub girl, Tues/Thurs bikini/lingerie model)

get a handle on yourself

or on your beer!

I originally saw this posted on Cyril Huze's blog (a GREAT source for motorcycle news- check it out when you get a chance) and agreed that this idea is ridiculous! The Beerhandle.

Please tell me you have a better use for your money- like spending it on another beer!

Check it out at drinkingstuff.com

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The internet is for porn

...at least according to Avenue Q!

I saw this musical last night and have never laughed so much inside a theater! This video sucks, but you get the idea... It's like Sesame Street on crack! You should definitely see it if you get the chance.

with no handlebars


Can't wait to see them live. House of Blues Dallas anyone?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

...and the winners are...

We had some exciting contests over the 4th of July weekend!

Strokers Infamous Bikini Contest (hula hooping and all) and our new Bad Tattoo Contest both on Friday!

Here is a sneak peak of the full photo album with a shot of the top 3 bikini finalists:

Corrie on the left: 2nd Place

Melissa in the middle: 1st Place

Nancy on the right: 3rd Place

More photos will be posted online at http://www.strokersdallas.com/ shortly. You know you want to look.