Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Such Sweet Sorrow

If a sweet tooth could kill, I would be first on the death toll.

Well unfortunately, that is very much the case for some pretty birds known as Cedar Waxwings.

(Photo Credit)

These poor birds love sweet berries. They can't help themselves. Once they start, they just can't stop eating the delicious fruits. However, on occasion, when they come across a batch of overripe berries, they can become intoxicated by the concentrated fruit-turned-alcohol. And this is where the problem starts. They almost always drink and fly.

Here in Dallas, there are long stretches of berry bushes alongside a busy highway bridge. Hundreds of these birds stop to eat the sweet treats, only to become disoriented and fly straight in to traffic! Soon the roadside begins to look like a mass suicide scene. Poor birds. If only their mothers had taught them to either sleep it off or get a desginated flier.

(story source: Dallas Morning News)

Monday, April 19, 2010

All So Awesome

So this post is about 2 awesome things:

First of all, check out this video about the book, based on the blog, 1000 Awesome Things:

I love it! Some of those things are SO awesome and I don't even realize it! Thus the point of the blog- to show how many awesome things are out there and help us see and appreciate them all. Of course I was so focused on the "things" in teh video that I didn't even listen to the lyrics of the song (which goes along with the cute story in the video) so now I have to watch it again. Oh darn.

Secondly, I first saw the video at the other awesome website, Post Secret. I brought up the Post Secret site in a conversation last night over drinks with a friend. I used to check it weekly, but suddenly realized it has been quite some time since I checked in! I'm glad I remembered to add it back to my weekly website browsing schedule because what a bonus this week was!