Monday, January 3, 2011

Reaching the Goal Line

I don't really like making New Year's Resolutions because I feel like they never come true. However, I do like thinking of the new year as a fresh start for new goals. I guess that's the same thing, isn't it?

Some of my goals for this year:
-put pictures in all the empty frames around my house (thank you to Snapfish Penny prints, I'm well on my way!)
-do something cool with my blah kitchen
-up my game in the landscaping department and get some more curb appeal going out front
-do more (in several departments, so we'll leave it at that.)

I think I can handle that. I also want to take more pictures of the projects and crafts I do around the house to share on here. My goal of building my blogs is always there, so I'll keep at it and we'll see how it goes!

Happy New Goals to you! Cheers!

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