Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Step it UP

(guilty pleasure admittance in 3... 2... 1:) I am a sucker for a good dance movie and have been hooked on the Step Up series since the beautiful Channing Tatum made his dancing debut several years ago. Granted, these movies are not meant to have award winning acting, but DANG can those people dance!

In my opinion, each Step Up has gotten better than the one before, and Step Up 3 is no exception. I definitely saw it twice in the theater and the DVD was at the top of my Christmas wish list. No joke.

Not only is the dancing amazing in this edition, the soundtrack is also rockin. I can't even watch this trailer without dancing in my seat! This specific trailer is great because it highlights the dancing and the musicians from the film. Enjoy! (and do a little chair dance while you watch!)

If you haven't seen the movie, hit up your local redbox and check it out!

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